Why write a blog
Written by Chris Mason
on 1st October 2021
Something about our global experience during 2020 and 2021 has caused us to ask what really matters and, as part of that question, what is the church, what is faith in God all about - why even plant churches?
In Matthew 28 Jesus calls us to plant churches by making disciples of every nation. There are many different styles and ways of 'doing' church, but ultimately if we're not making disciples, then we're just doing our own thing. Before we worry about what our Sunday 'meetings' look and sound like, we're focusing on what it takes to make multiplying disciples.
All across the world millions of people are becoming disciples of Jesus as a follower of Jesus shares with them the good news of the gospel who in turn shares with another and so on. Our hope with this blog is to write about our journey of making multiplying disciples, including some 'how to's' and reflections on what we're doing here in Bradford and what we're seeing in the nations.
We love the church and are privileged to be part of a family of churches that plant and grow healthy, multiplying churches full of people who follow Jesus. Will you join us on this adventure?
Faithfulness is Success
One key lesson we’ve learned is that faithfulness is success. Gary Galanos, a disciple-making coach, often reminds us that we aren’t responsible for the outcomes, only for being faithful to what God has called us to do.
Lisa Mason
15th September 2024
How to start a group
A friend and coach who lives in Türkiye and has seen multiple groups start tells us that seeing a group start is always a miracle.
Lisa Mason
6th November 2023
Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy
I recently had the incredible privilege of visiting Antakya, a beautiful city in the South of Turkiye that was among the worst affected by the recent earthquakes in February. It’s been hard to know what to share since I have returned.
Lisa Mason
8th July 2023