Why don’t I do what he says?
Written by Lisa Mason
on 26th April 2022
On Sunday morning I read Jesus’ words in Luke 6: 46 and they have been ringing in my heart ever since.
“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”
It’s a really good question and I am becoming increasingly curious about the answer. I must have read that question before and thought ‘well, I mostly do what he says’ or even been tempted to ask it of the people around me instead of myself. But this week I am feeling prompted to take a different approach and to simply ask the question of myself and wait to see what the answer might be.
I think sometimes I’m simply distracted - I’m not listening, I don’t know what Jesus is saying because it hasn’t occurred to me to listen.
Sometimes I am afraid of what others will think - or I’ve already walked past the person he has asked me to stop and talk to, it would be weird to turn back, right?!
Other times I am searching for quick comfort, for easy solutions and simple satisfaction, picking up the remote or putting the kettle on feels easier than reaching for Jesus.
Jesus, I bring you my distraction, my fear and my apathy. These are the reasons that I call you ‘Lord, Lord’ but do not do what you say. I need a bigger vision of you, a clearer picture of your beauty and love, I need your help to lay aside my reasons for ignoring you. I choose to build my house on the rock, please help me to be obedient to you today.
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