The One who knows our needs
Written by Lisa Mason
on 26th September 2022
The local primary school that our children have all attended is full of families from many different nations and backgrounds. I have always considered it a privilege to be there and have been so grateful for the different friends I have met but it can be hard to get to know people, especially when we speak different languages. This year I have had the opportunity to begin an English class in the school. We met for the first time this morning and I was so blessed by the number of people who came.
As I left the class, I was reminded of two conversations that I have had with Jesus in the past week. The first was about two different parents that I pass on the school run who are scared of my dog - I was wondering if I should leave the dog at home sometimes so that I might have the opportunity to stop and talk to them. Guess what? They were both at the English class this morning!
The second was a conversation about needing help to run the class. As I prepared for the class, I had been looking for a helper but I hadn’t been able to find someone who was available to help. However this morning, I felt completely peaceful and able to leave this need with Jesus. And he brought me a helper! In fact, more than one! A number of parents who attended the class spoke really good English but were keen to be there to connect and support other learners- as well as having more opportunities to speak English themselves.
Praise God! I am so grateful for the way that Jesus meets our smallest and biggest needs - all we have to do is bring them to him.
How about you? Who are you hoping to connect with? Where do you need help? I’d love to encourage you to bring your needs to Jesus today and trust that you will see his goodness in your life as you step out in faith with him.
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