‘Redoing’ a DBS

Lisa Mason

Written by Lisa Mason
on 14th March 2022

This Sunday, we gathered as a team and spent some time reflecting on last week's passage, Acts 2: 37-47. Had we done what we said we were going to do, and had we shared with who we said we would?

We had some stories of how God had worked through our obedience to his word and realised, among other things, that this was a timely passage to be studying at the moment. Many people around us are asking how they are meant to live, the events of the past few years have left people shaken and hungry for new ways of doing things. So then we asked a question that we have never asked before - are we ready to move on? We mutually agreed that this passage was so rich, we could spend another week there and so, once again, we opened our bibles to Acts 2: 37-47 and read the passage aloud. We retold it in our own words (still not as easy as I’d expected, even the second week through!) and discussed what we were learning about God, ourselves and others.

This led to another first: A collective ‘We will’ response to the passage. We had read about the early church meeting together every day so we decided to meet for fifteen minutes every morning this week to pray together at the start of our days.

It doesn’t feel heavy or discouraging to be sent out with the same scripture to share with others two weeks in a row - in fact it feels exciting. We already have experience of God leading us in spiritual conversations using these verses so we have greater faith that he can do the same or more this week.

So, Grace city, if you can, join us at 7am to pray every morning. I am excited to hear from you all about the experience of dwelling for a second week in the same passage and wonder what stories we will have to share by the end of the week!


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